I’m Ilias Bartolini,
I have been a software engineer for 15+ years and this project is the result of my growing interest in privacy and digital rights.
In the recent years I’ve been interested in supporting journalists and human rights defenders in the adoption of secure communication practices.
A period of exploration in interdisciplinary practices and spaces has brought to life the idea of Privacy Seed.
For any inquiry about the project reach out to the following contacts:
e-mail: ilias.bartolini@gmail.com
PGP fingerprint: 4C05 3C09 25C9 AAD8 CB9A 2DDF 5C4A ACA1 A291 09E0
Also available via keybase.io/iliasbartolini.
Privacy Seed is present on social media as @SeedPrivacy.
For more detail on how to contribute for the evolution of this project check under the roots of the tree :)
More details about me are available see https://privacy-seed.org.
Thank you
This project would have not been possible without the support of FabLab Barcelona for the space, tools, access to machines and learning through the FabAcademy program.
In no specific order, for sharing their advice, ideas, inspiration and feedback thanks to: Rae Abileah and The Climate Ribbon project, Santi Fuentemilla, Xavi Domínguez, Esteban Giménez, Mikel Llobera Guelbenzu, Cansu Peköz, Maikha Abarca, Javier Albo Guijarro, Coral Pereda Serras, Nicolò Gnecchi, Óscar González Fernández, Krisjanis Rijnieks, Dorota Orlof, Aitor Aloa, Jean-baptiste Natali, Thais Rugeles, Eve Nettles, Lourenço Soares and many more I might forget.
Thanks also to the free software and open knowledge communities that enabled this project through their tools or by sharing their code: Raspberry PI, Arduino, FastLED, Blender, Inkscape, Jekyll, users of Thingiverse and Flickr